What our clients said after their treatments or those of their animals
"Seeing what reiki has done for Dexter is proof that Reiki really does work.
A human can say it works for them whether it does or not but an animal doesn't pretend"
Testimonials and case studies from The Reiki Experience clients and their owners
Reiki - testimonials
Animal Reiki - testimonials and case studies
(Our Animal Reiki sessions are now carried our by Friends Of Baxter Animal Care
Reiki Testimonials
"Thank you Sue for an unbelievable Reiki experience. The different it has made to my knees and overall feelings. Your work has made the movement a vast improvement, the pain more manageable. I would never have believed the different it could make to my life. Thank you again."
"I hadn't had reiki before but it was so relaxing and I felt a benefit as soon as the treatment had finished. After 2 treatments from Sue my trapped nerve discomfort and emotional state were substantially improved. I can honestly say that it was the best money I have ever spent!"
"After just one treatment on my broken arm from Sue the doctor couldn't believe I had so little discomfort"
"Following Sue's 4 reiki sessions I feel better than I have done in 4 years!"
"Thanks for the reiki Sue, I've not had such a relaxing night's sleep in ages!"
"I was sceptical about reiki until I hurt my shoulder and was in considerable discomfort. Sue sent me two doses of reiki over the following 36 hours and I couldn't believe the difference. I felt fine again the morning after the second treatment"
“Reiki helped me when nothing else seemed to be working. Thanks Sue"
"On August 2017 Sue visited me for the first time. She did some Reiki Healing and it was wonderful. Now, June 2018, Sue still comes and gives me Reiki Healing. I have more energy and just feel well all round. I hope she never stops coming to top me up".
Reiki Testimonials
"Thank you Sue for an unbelievable Reiki experience. The different it has made to my knees and overall feelings. Your work has made the movement a vast improvement, the pain more manageable. I would never have believed the different it could make to my life. Thank you again."
"I hadn't had reiki before but it was so relaxing and I felt a benefit as soon as the treatment had finished. After 2 treatments from Sue my trapped nerve discomfort and emotional state were substantially improved. I can honestly say that it was the best money I have ever spent!"
"After just one treatment on my broken arm from Sue the doctor couldn't believe I had so little discomfort"
"Following Sue's 4 reiki sessions I feel better than I have done in 4 years!"
"Thanks for the reiki Sue, I've not had such a relaxing night's sleep in ages!"
"I was sceptical about reiki until I hurt my shoulder and was in considerable discomfort. Sue sent me two doses of reiki over the following 36 hours and I couldn't believe the difference. I felt fine again the morning after the second treatment"
“Reiki helped me when nothing else seemed to be working. Thanks Sue"
"On August 2017 Sue visited me for the first time. She did some Reiki Healing and it was wonderful. Now, June 2018, Sue still comes and gives me Reiki Healing. I have more energy and just feel well all round. I hope she never stops coming to top me up".
Animal Reiki Testimonials

"Bucket (shihtzu) is generally a very confident show dog at both indoor and outdoor venues. However as a puppy he was spooked by a noisy dustbin wagon whilst attending a show at the NEC. As a result he has been too frightened at this venue to even go into the ring on 2 separate occasions.
In preparation for Crufts 2016 I contact Sue who has worked with Bucket previously to help with noise sensitivity to loud speakers and unexpected noises. As a result of his 2 treatments leading up to Crufts we were able to exhibit and be short listed in his class.
I felt that he was happy and confident on the day despite the noise and acoustics in the hall which in the past had totally made him upset and very unsettled."
Biscuit was a young 6 month old puppy. At his first championship show he demonstrated very excitable behaviour, he showed concerns for the other dogs around him despite attending ring craft sessions and he generally lacked forcus to a point of being disruptive in the ring.
Following Sue's four distant reiki treatments we attended his second championship show 10 days later. His attention and focus was massively improved to the extent that he gave an appropriate performance and in doing so qualified for Crufts 2017.
Since then he has won 3 Best Puppy in Breed at open shows and had several strong placing in Puppy Stakes classes.
He is still very much a fun puppy but he clearly now shows a clearer focus and attention.
"6 month old Butler joined a home of related shihtzus at 14 weeks of age. He settled well although he was quiet and didn’t play much, appearing to lack enthusiasm. He soon became clingy to me and needed the reassurance of one of the other dogs to go for a walk, otherwise refusing to move. After 4 reiki treatments he was more animated and playful; and whilst not overly enthusiastic about going out by himself he is more confident"
"Jasper (dog) loved the reiki treatment. He normally runs upstairs when guests arrive but he gradually came nearer and nearer to Sue until he relaxed in perfect bliss. He was so chilled. The communication to ask him to let us know when he needs to go outside worked too. We were impressed!"
"Toto loved the reiki and she must be more comfortable as she's moving more freely than before - thank you Sue!"
Animal Reiki Case Studies
COOKIE : Her first experience of Reiki

"Please bear in mind here. Cookie’s eyes are closed and Sue’s hand is not actually making contact with her, yet Cookie still guided her foot into the right place (ie under Sue's hand)" Helen
The first thing that sprang to mind when Sue from the Reiki experience came to see cookie, was that cookie went to greet her straight away , which isn't rare for cookie as she likes to be the centre of attention and usually is under the impression that anyone that visits the house is here to see her. But today cookie seemed to have some kind of respect for her, now this may seem strange but to anyone who doesn't know cookie ... she likes to show off.
Reiki and the paralysed dog
COOKIE : Her first experience of Reiki
"Forlorn, I rang Sue who immediately sent her Reiki and continued to do so daily over the next few days, and what happened next was unbelievable. Almost instantly she started to get better. Every day I had improvements, where before there was none!" Helen
This year I had one of the most frightening experiences of my life with my two year old dog.
Upon coming home, I went to get my two small dogs and let them out to do their business in the garden. My dogs are both 2 year old toy breeds and extremely fit and healthy , they go mountain climbing and on long holidays in the countryside with me, and are generally very active.
My boy dog ran around as usual but my girl just lay there. Now it is not uncommon for her to lay and roll in the grass, but something was just not right. She just laid there looking at me and didn’t try to go for a wee. I called them back and the boy came running but she just carried on laying there and looking at me.
DEXTER : An unexpected reaction

"Seeing what reiki has done for Dexter is proof that it really does work. A human can say it works for them whether it does or not but an animal doesn't pretend" Janet
We have two cats almost 21yr old Mia and Dexter who is about 5 yrs old. Dexter adopted us about 3 and a half years ago . He has always been a very nervous and skittish cat . He wouldn't even stay inside the conservatory without the door remaining open when having his food. As time went on we had to introduce him inside as we were moving house from London to Yorkshire November 2014. He coped well with the move and adjusted to being a complete house cat. However he continued to be very nervous and wary of strangers. Running away upstairs as soon as the door bell rang before they even entered the house. And would gingerly reappear only after they had left.
PIPER's transformation

"We turned to Sue and asked her to send her Reiki, and the improvements were dramatic, it was as though Reiki didn’t just heal the aches in her body, it healed her SOUL, it allowed her to open up and listen, to take in where she was and to trust that we were not going to do her any harm" Helen
This year I made a visit to the horse sales, which are never really a pleasant place to begin with. Whilst there I spotted this girl, as thin as a coat rack you could see every rib and her hip bones were protruding from her skin on the verge of breaking through , hooves overgrown and head collar digging in to her face. But her face! ...Her face said it all. She had given up.
Rates for therapy sessions with The Reiki Experience
£40 per hour
£35 per 45 mins
£25 per 1/2 hour
Prices to be discussed individually for animal treatments and distant healing but they are typically as above.
A travel cost will typically be added for travel where treatments take place at the animal's place of residence